Lunar Star will navigate you home

We offer thorough general inspections for the real estate buyers. sellers, agents and home owners out there.

Helping Navigate Your Home Purchase

We offer thorough general inspections for the real estate buyers. sellers, agents and home owners out there.

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Make the Right Decision Through Home Inspection

Buying a house is one of your biggest investments. Ensure you acquire the right property through the home inspection services of Lunar Star Inspections LLC. We are here to make the process as easy and seamless as possible for you.

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Meet Your Inspector

Daryl is a Utah native. Having lived all over the valley, he knows the area well and has always called Utah home.

Daryl has logged hundreds of inspection certification hours. Trained under and learned from some of the most respected inspectors known to the industry.

He has backgrounds in commercial and residential construction and commercial manufacturing with industrial machinery.

Daryl has also spent many years in the service industry, and he knows it is not only about the service being provided but also making it a great experience while you learn more about the place you call or hope to call home.

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Why Choose Us?


Real estate is a great way to invest. Whether you want to buy a home, renovate it, or sell it for a quick return. Or maybe fix it up into a rental for a more long-term investment.

There are many ways a home can be great for investors; for this reason, a home inspection is important. Knowing the condition of your future investment will help you make a clearer and more confident decision.

Home Is Where the Heart Is

This is it! All the hard work. The many years of saving money and doing all the right things so you can finally get into your dream home. The place you want to grow old in. watching the many generations of your family grow within these walls. It's exciting.

Having a better understanding of your dream home with a thorough inspection can put your mind at ease when you make that big decision to call it HOME.

The Home I Am In

Maybe you are not buying a home and have been in yours for some time and simply want to get to know it better. Is my roof okay? How about my furnace? My water heater is quite old, and I wonder if it is still efficient. What about my pipes? Or the foundation?

Inspections are not just for the buyer and seller. If you, the homeowner, simply want to have more knowledge of the home you are in, we offer great inspection services for you.

Something Specific

You don't need a full inspection and want something more singular? We can be specific. If you only want the HVAC inspected. You got it! We are certified in many different areas of the home. We can inspect them all or just one if you want.

We do seasonal inspections as well. Winter may be coming, and you want to check the furnace. Or maybe you haven't used the fireplace for some time and want to be sure it is safe. We will be there for your specific needs.

Get in Touch

Navigate the home inspection process conveniently by partnering with us. Reach out to our team today for more details about our services.